Oct 28, 2010

Giving Benefits

By: Rhett

What action is taking place in this cartoon?
A man at a restaurant expresses his displeasure with any undocumented workers getting benefits for being in the United States. Ironically, two of the restaurant workers are undocumented workers who, at least considering their job, really aren't receiving many benefits at all.

Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies

What "reality" is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Citizens of the United States ought not to think ithat the undocumented workers are ridiculously privileged. Even though they may inherit things in the U.S. into their lifestyle that wouldn't be afforded them in Mexico or other countries, the reality is that they still take away unpleasant jobs, in this case as a dishwasher, that wouldn't be taken by many civil Americans anyway. 
They don't really even make enough in the U.S., overall, to have a fiscally enjoyable life in this country as undocumented citizens enjoy.

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